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Why Adapt to Waterbased Ink?

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Why Adapt to Waterbased Ink?

March 30, 2021

Nowadays, water-based ink is a new trend in the printing industry. Over the past few years, water-based ink has evolved significantly. If you are into the printing industry, it is time to switch to water-based ink.

Here are the reasons—

Reason 1: Customer Expect Waterbased Prints

In today’s competitive business world, it is important to stay on top. Leading brands such as Nike and Adidas are leading the way of transition into waterbased prints and offer customers plastisol substitutes. It makes customers expect that perfect finish look, whether they realize it or not.

Reason 2: Waterbased Designs Feel Better

The way you want your final product to feel and look should be a key deciding factor when switching to environmentally-friendly waterbased ink. The days are long gone, when a solid underbase print with the design fixed on top was on-trend. The print you get from water-based inks is beyond words— the flexibility and softness are everything you can fall in love with!

Reason 3: Waterbased Ink Gives Better Quality Prints

Waterbased inks are thinner than other types of inks, and sit deeper in the garment’s fabric. That’s why the print you get from water-based inks is better, smoother and cleaner.

Reason 4: Waterbased Printing Makes You Stand Out from the Crowd

The competition is tough in every industry, especially textile. It is important to set yourself apart in the market. Educate your customers about the differences in print quality, you will set yourself apart from your competitors and attain more loyalty from the clients you work with.

Reason 5: Waterbased Printing is Safe for Environment

The printing industry is an industry that is quite well-known for contributing toxic waste and harsh chemicals, but using waterbased inks gives a little relief from these harmful substances. DAS Waterbased Inks are comprised of naturally occurring substances and, if used properly, are much better for the printer, wearer and most importantly, environment.

Since they are not made up of plastic, there is no usage of environmentally harming fossil fuels or petroleum in their production. And, since they are easily water-soluble, no chemicals are needed for their elimination.

Reason 6: Waterbased Printing is Cost-Effective

Because the ink is thinner, it needs a higher mesh, and better to print wet on wet rather than blinking between colours.

When planning to switch to water-based ink, ponder how you can efficiently leverage this to gain a competitive advantage and make yourself stand out.

Using water-based inks for screen printing has never been so much beneficial and easier than it is now, so if you haven’t already this is the right time to make the switch as soon as possible. Get the best quality, environmentally-friendly water-based inks available exclusively at DAS Waterbased Ink.

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