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Some FAQs About Silicone Transfer Printing Ink

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Some FAQs About Silicone Transfer Printing Ink

September 8, 2020

Whenever it comes to screen printing the first choice to make is the type of ink being used for the printing technique. The quality and type of ink affect the look and quality of the print as well. Hence, it is always suggested to do good research and then find the perfect ink.

Water-based inks and polymer-based inks both are an excellent choice for screen printing. But in many cases, polymer-based inks prove to be a better choice over waterbased inks. This obviously depends on the printing scenario and other related factors.

Silicone transfer printing ink is proven to be a perfect choice for screen printing. There are numerous perks of using this ink for screen printing purpose. Even besides the amazing features, people often have doubts and queries about using this ink. Today we will look at these common doubts and queries that people have and answer them all.

So, without waiting any further let us have a look at some of the most common silicone-based ink doubts and queries that people have:

Is this Ink Toxic?

One of the most common questions that people have about silicone ink is if the ink is toxic. Printing firms are tilted towards using environment-friendly products. In such a scenario using toxic ink is not suggestable.

Many people assume that as this ink is polymer-based it is toxic. But this is not the case. Whether the ink is toxic or not depends on the manufacturer of the ink. Some manufacturers make this ink with phenomenal features and non-toxic. On the other hand, there are manufacturers that manufacture toxic silicone transfer printing ink, for mass production and lower cost.

Hence, it all depends on the manufacturer. This is why it is suggested to purchase from leading suppliers and manufacturers that manufacture non-toxic ink.

Are these Inks Harmful for Health?

The other common question that people have follows the previous question. This is whether this ink is harmful to the health of people. People have this assumption because they think this ink is toxic.

Generally, this ink is not harmful to health. But to be completely sure in this area it is important to make a purchase from the top manufacturers like DAS Water-based inks. These suppliers manufacture ink in phenomenal quality without even impacting the environment.

Hence, for any polymer ink always lookout for the leading manufacturer to ensure the quality of the ink.

Is it Good to Use these Inks?

Another most common question that people have is it good to use these inks over other water-based ink. Well, the answer to it completely depends on the requirements and the cost you are willing to pay.

This decides which kind of ink will be the best choice for you. Hence, analyse your requirements, connect to the leading suppliers and choose the best ink.

We hope that with this your common doubts and queries about silk screen printing ink are also resolved.

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