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Silk Screen Printing Ink— Economical and Beneficial Way to Quality Prints

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Silk Screen Printing Ink— Economical and Beneficial Way to Quality Prints

May 25, 2021

Silkscreen is one of the most common printing processes across the world. It enables you to print on an almost endless amounts of surfaces using almost endless range of inks. Silkscreen’s visual world is extremely diverse, and the variety of effects and textures make it the ideal medium for expressing yourself and perfecting your creativity. It’s also a very simple technique to pick up, requiring very little initial investment. Silk screen printing ink is a great way to print top-quality prints without worrying about fading away with time.

Screen printing is perhaps the most widely used method in the textile industry. Screen printing is employed to print on a variety of materials, including cotton, chiffon, silk, organza and polyester. Afterward, the fabrics are transformed into finished goods. Many designers, in fact, set their own screen-printing facilities as they’re so economical, useful and beneficial.

Screen printing is a common technique for applying images to substrates, or printed materials. While apparels are among the most popular applications, screen printing can also be used on wood, circuit boards, glass, ceramic, metal, and other materials.

The Benefits of Silk Screen Printing Ink

The advantages of the silk screen printing method and its ink are many, which is why they are so popular.

  • 1. Silk screening is suitable for large runs where producing a large number of prints is required.
  • 2. More the number of prints, the lesser will be the cost.
  • 3. Silk screening printing water-based ink produced outstanding quality prints to last longer.
  • 4. It is perfect for imitating your design, irrespective of the patterns or colours.
  • 5. This waterbased ink for screen printing ensures the prints last longer— no fading or wearing off.
  • 6. Even with multiple washes (in the case of fabrics), the resultant print will not get dull, faded or distorted.

Common Silk Screen Printing Ink Applications

Glass and Ceramic

Screen printing has a significant role in the manufacturing of ceramic and glass products for both consumers as well as industrial applications. Today, the screen printing method has a unique position in the industry because it can prevail over numerous challenges faced by ceramic and glass decorators.

Textile Printing

At DAS Waterbase Ink, we understand that today the textile printers are much beyond ink resistance and on-press durability— they are looking for stencil systems. Screen turn-around and screen making have become important more than ever. Fabric printers need efficient emulsion solutions that can increase efficiency, lower costs and help deliver a higher volume of top-quality products.

Electronics Printing

Printing in the electronics industry has seen tremendous growth over the last few years as the demand for tech devices rises. Silkscreen printing continues to be an efficient, reliable and lean production option because of the enhanced printing modes, top-quality materials and hi-tech equipment.

Graphics Printing

The potentials for today’s hi-tech graphic printers are endless; with certain challenges. It can screen print almost any type of text, graphics, or design onto any substrate or even on the 3D object. That’s why for every successful graphic application, emulsion selection and performance play a critical role.

DAS Waterbased Ink Offering Premium Quality Screen Printing Waterbased Ink

DAS Waterbased Ink offers a wide range of top-quality inks for industrial, decorative and graphic silk-screen applications. We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of silk-screen printing water-based inks, delivering a standard as well as a custom-made solution that is perfectly catered to your specific printing requirements. Our inks are fully compliant with applicable qualified standards.

The key advantage of Silk screen printing is the distinctive visual result it creates. The water-based silk screen inks used are very durable, the colours are extremely vibrant and vivid, especially for outdoor uses, making this a one-off reproduction technique.

We know how important is an ink’s quality. It makes a significant impact on the quality of the final image produced. Using water-based inks for silk screen printing has never been so much advantageous and easier than it is now. Get the best quality, environmentally-friendly water-based inks available exclusively at DAS Waterbased Ink.

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